Thursday, 19 July 2012

Our trip so far, first up: Turkey where we relaxed on a boat, visited Istanbul and learned that packing your lifes possessions up into a small bag that weighs 20kgs isnt an easy feat. Brad and Alice Go Walkabout: Going Cold Turkey

Brad and Alice Go Walkabout: Going Cold Turkey: Every beginning needs to be a good one, or atleast that is my theme for the next 5 months, and if it isnt, I will try my utmost to view it a...

Going Cold Turkey

Every beginning needs to be a good one, or atleast that is my theme for the next 5 months, and if it isnt, I will try my utmost to view it as a positive. Most of my journeys in the past year and a half have been ones that started at a frenetic pace, starting my professional career threw me into the deep end, required me to step up to that level I never thought I had. Personally, the beginning of my parents divorce was hard to accept, but life grants you reprieves where you realize that the worst thing that could happen isnt, after all, that bad. That little tumor lodged in my head is still there, but as I have told you before, it is the reason for all of this. I wouldnt be sitting on this plane back to London had it no been for it. So I have heeded the advice of those far more knowledgable than I am, and my girlfriend and I are off to see the world and hopefully along the course of it all, learn life’s master-stroke.

So Turkey, I have done it before and I love the country, the food, everything about it was good. But now, after everything, it was so much better. I left for Turkey on the 1st of July, and met up with my girlfriend and her family in Istanbul where we caught a connecting flight to Dalaman. We were joined by family of my girlfriends, and I couldnt have asked for a better company to enjoy Turkey. I always write these blogs with a theme in mind, because I have come to accept that there is always a lesson to be learned and I will try to explain mine over the course of this blog.

From Dalaman we were greeted by scorching heat, in the 35+ range, and as all of you know that meant some serious “schwetzing” (sweating according to a certain someone). We caught a 1 hour shuttle to Marmaris where the heat only escalated and the requirement to jump into the Aegean Sea was at an all-time high. We were greeted by the Baron 2, perhaps the most incredible boat I am ever likely to experience, and the week on that boat was something I will never forget. Our route was from Marmaris to Bodrum, and we would slowly cruise the coast-line in search of serenity, and some beautiful scenery. That is something that Turkey does not lack, incredible, breath-taking scenery. It is the scenery that makes you realize that the earth has been around for far longer than we can comprehend and that if we try our hardest, we can make a meaningful impact somewhere along the line. Our boat had all the amenities anyone could ask for, 5 dedicated crew, a chef, a jacuzzi, 6 bedrooms. But the best thing of all was the peace it offered. It allows you time to reflect, I didnt use my cellphone for a week, and I find real solitude in that. The bays we pulled into offered the most pristine water imaginable, with views of either sheer mountain ranges or forest area. Look for the pics to follow.

I have always been a water person, my choice would be water above land, I find tremendous joy in being able to coast through the water, infringed by no more than physical barriers. Water provides you the closest possible environment to space, you can perform any possible maneuver in water, and thats what makes these boat holidays my kind of choice holidays. You wake up in the mornings and in a muffled heap, make your way to the breakfast table where you find a spread better than at most hotels. You try to refrain from the incredible food, but after a while the temptation overcomes you. After a few cups of coffee and some reflection on the few beers and laughter enjoyed the night before, we all enjoy a quick swim before we move to our next bay. It is a very easy life to fall in love with. I have gone on a gulet three times, once with my family, once with friends, and now with my girlfriend and her family. It is a holiday I would recommend to anyone.

Slowly during the week on the boat did the gravity of my current situation hit me, I will be traveling the world with my best friend and girlfriend for the next 6 months. We will be seeing some of the most beautiful places in the world, enjoying some incredible sights, and hopefully laughing our entire way through it. It isnt an easy feat packing up all your worldly possessions into a bag that can weigh no more than 20kgs, and Alice had a real tough time coming to grips with that, which is why I am sure to be offloaded some of her stuff along the way, some of which has already happened. On the boat we laughed, and enjoyed the incredible weather, and it provided us ample time to get into the right mind frame and focus. Before I went to America I went into a steely focus, one where I knew exactly what needed to be done, and coming back home in a way other than next to the people I love was not an option, and traveling the world requires a different focus. While it isnt so live or die, you have to remember to keep your mind open and store each and every incredible sight you see. I keep reminding myself that I am being afforded this incredible opportunity, and that it was one that 7 months ago didnt exist. Of-course we will miss our families, but thankfully due to technology we are able to see them via skype, and let them know we are well, as well as let them reassure us that all is well back home. Alice is constantly reminding me to relax as I keep worrying about our room keys and whether we locked everything up, and she manages to calm me down, which is ironic because it is normally me calming her down.

After the boat we had a short flight from Bodrum to Istanbul. In Istanbul we stayed in a beautiful hotel call Ciragan Kempinski Palace, right on the Bosphoros River. It is a grandiose  hotel that catered to all our wants and needs. After the week on the boat we were all craving some land based activity, and om the first night we made our way from the Hotel to a nearby market where the girls quickly slunk out of sight and into the market-place. The boys anticipated this move and therefore headed to a nearby bar where we enjoyed some of the local beer.

Next morning we assembled in the foyer, and after a very welcome nights sleep we were all ready for some sightseeing and more shopping. We visited the Topkapi Harem Palace, and Nicky and Em decided on going to the Grand Bazaar. As a few of us had done this before we excused ourselves from the activity and opted rather to go back to the hotel for a swim and some lunch. We met up again in the foyer at 7:30pm, and headed to a nearby restaurant called Ulus 29. It was some of the finest food I have ever tasted, and unfortunately there is no way of allowing any of the people reading this blog to taste or smell the food, but if you are ever given the opportunity, BOOK IT!!! I will post pics.

Our last day in Istanbul, and we all knew it was going to be an emotional day, for reasons other than the obvious. We headed off to Taksim square fairly early, in order to see some of the sights as well as finish the shopping early before we headed back to London that evening. After trudging along the streets around the square we slowly made our way back down towards the taxi rank. This downhill trek proved too much for one person in the team. Nicky Schneiderman took quite a heavy fall after her shoes failed to get any traction going down the cobbled streets, this happened only minutes after she voiced her concern that she felt like she was going to fall. We quickly shot off back to the hotel, which upon our arrival was transformed into a hospital, where the bell-boys became like paramedics and escorted her off to the resident doctor. After a consultation, some ice and some extensive wrapping she hobbled out of the room. She tore the ligaments in her foot and is now moon-walking around back home in a moon-boot. I hope you get better soon.

So, the moment we all dreaded had arrived. Our goodbyes had arrived and Alice and Em had to conjure up the strength to say goodbye to their whole family. It isnt easy seeing a family divide in order to go their respective ways, but it reminds me of what a tight-knit family they are. So our adventures in Turkey came to an end. We boarded our flight back to London with no problems, and after a quick 3 hour flight we landed back in London where we rested for 4 days in preparation for........ Amsterdam!!!

I named this blog going Cold Turkey because firstly it is about our trip to Turkey, but secondly, because it is the beginning of us giving up the lives we lived before traveling. We both have to give up so many creature comforts, and while we will and already have experienced withdrawals from some of these things, I think it is the ideal way to get perspective on life and allows me to truly see what I need. We have to take the bare minimum with us, and that forces you to cut the clutter, and then as opposed to gaining material possessions, we are gathering and forming memories and experiences far more valuable than any object. I was told by someone close to me that despite all the materialistic world possessions he has, he would give all of those up if he was afforded my opportunity. That struck a chord because this is a man who has everything, yet he is willing to give all of that up and trade it with a man who has just over-come brain cancer. Makes you realize that you have to run headlong into a challenge because you never know what waits on the other side, and this cloud truly did have a silver-lining.